Yesterday's class was so interesting. It tended towards the philosophical(which I love).
The issue of ethics can be discussed for days with different theories coming into play. Basically it has to do with right or wrong.
Morals are personal values shaped by upbringing and ethics is the study of morals.
Who decides what is right (or wrong)and their reasons behind this is another story entirely. I guess that's why there are ethical frameworks that try to cut down individual sentiments and give codes of conduct. The justification for building frameworks must be entrenched in the beliefs, values and objectives of a society or organisation. It makes me think that people that have no belief system can easily be given one (and sometimes people accept these beliefs without questioning)...Im thinking too much now, back to PR and ethics.PR codes of ethics
We were presented with different ethical scenarios and there were different views in class on how we would handle each. It is important for a PR practitioner to seperate personal moral codes from the ethics of a company. I must say it does take looking at an issue from as many angles as possible in line with company policy. A PR practitioner is afterall the social conscience of an organisation representing all the groups and interests concerned and should project a conscience that is clearly representative of interests(whether those interests are for the greater good is another topic entirely).
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